Book Bolt's Cloud module provides detailed insight into the top-performing listings from a specific category. It’s a re-creation of the Amazon database and is updated every day to provide real-time, accurate results. By using the Cloud tool, sellers can quickly perform competitor research, discover profitable niches, get an understanding of pricing strategies, and more.
You can access the Could module by logging into your Book Bolt account. You will see the ‘Cloud’ tool on the left-hand menu.

Here are all of the functionalities of the tool and how to use them.
Performing Your Search
The page that you’ll be redirected to after opening the Cloud module is the search page, where you can modify and customize your search options. You will be presented with a few separate filters that you can adjust to make your search more relevant to your needs.

The first filter that you’ll see is the ‘Search by Bestsellers’. You’ll see a default ‘Top 100’ option selected. This area allows you to choose how many top-performing search results you want to see. You can choose from the top 100, 200, all the way to the top 500. The right choice here will depend on how broad you want your search to be. For example, if you are researching a new category and just starting to explore your options, it may be useful to see more results. However, if you have a particular idea in mind, and information from the top 100 listings would be enough, it’s perhaps better to choose this option instead.

Next, you’ll see an option to filter your search according to category. From the ‘Category’ box, Bool Bolt enables you to choose from all of the Amazon KDP categories available. Currently, these are the following categories you can choose:
● Notebook
● Journal
● Music Sheets
● Calendar
● Planner
● Coloring Book
● Activity Book
● Puzzle Book
● Comic Book
● Guest Book
● Log Book
● Tracker
● Sketch Book
For example, choosing the journal category means that the Cloud tool will display only the top-performing journal listings.
The Cloud module also enables sellers to search according to BSR range. You can choose a BSR range of anywhere between 1 and 6,000,000. The default option is from 1 to 500,000, which is a good balance that will reveal the high-selling listings.

*The lower the BSR, the more sales a listing has generated. Generally speaking, a listing with a BSR of 100 is much more successful than a listing with a BSR of 1,000. If you’re only interested in seeing the ultimate bestsellers, narrow down the BSR range.

Similarly, you can choose a price range between $1 and $100. If you’re researching a specific niche and you’re already aware of the price you want to go for, it could make more sense to play around with the price range and be more specific. For most searches, it’s best to leave the price range as wide as possible to get insights on more listings.
Result Information
Once you’ve filtered down your search, click the ‘Search’ button, which will trigger Book Bolt to display all of the results from its database. Here’s a breakdown of what you will see.
The first information that the Cloud tool will display is an overview of results data and keyword count.
Results data

The results data can be accessed by clicking on the dropdown arrow next to ‘Results data’. The full information included here is as follows:
● Top bestsellers - How many top sellers are currently displayed in the results.
● Sales rank range - Based on your search filters, what sales rank range is displayed.
● Price range - Based on your search filters, what price range is displayed in the results.
● Total results - How many listings the Cloud tool is using to provide a sum of results.
● Lowest price - The lowest price found on a listing from the shown bestsellers.
● Highest price - The highest price found on a listing from the displayed bestsellers.
● Average price - The average price of listings, taking into account all of the shown results.
● Average BSR - Yhe average best seller rank of all displayed listings in search results.
● Category - The selected category from which the insights are extracted.
Keyword Count

On the right side of Results data, you’ll also be able to see a section called ‘Keyword count’ with numerous keywords. These are the most popular keywords used in the best selling books from the category you’ve chosen. You’ll notice that the keywords are diverse and can give you a lot of ideas about what to use in your product listings to optimize them and make them visible to buyers. Next to each word, Book Bolt will also display a number, representing the number of times the keyword has been used in the results.
Listing Details

The last section of the Cloud results is dedicated to the details of each listing. You will have access to all of the top performers based on the filters of your search.
For every listing, you will be able to see:
● Product image - The design of the book cover.
● Product title - The full title of the listing. The product titles are clickable. By clicking on them, you will be redirected to the live URL of the listing on Amazon.
● Author - The names of the author or seller.
● Publisher - The name of the publisher. In most cases, this field will be ‘Independently published’.
● Reviews - How many reviews the listing has received and what its rating is as a whole.
● ASIN - The unique product identification code used by Amazon for product tracking.
● Publication date - When the listing was officially published on Amazon.
● Price - The current price of the listing.
● BSR - The best seller rank of the product in real-time.
● Estimated monthly sales - How many sales the listing is expected to generate based on previous data, BSR, and other factors.
● Average BSR for the past 30 days - A field that will tell you whether the product is actively sold throughout the whole year or its BSR has just dropped or raised recently.
● Estimated moving average sales - A better estimation of how well the listing is selling based on the sales rank over a 30 day period

In addition, you will be able to take a sneak peek into the BSR and price history of every product. You can do this by clicking on the clock icon found under the product image of every listing. The clock icon has a downward pointing arrow on its left side. By clicking it, you will be presented with historical data for the listing. If the publication date was months ago, you should be able to see how its price and BSR varied throughout the months.

Sometimes, there are interesting correlations between changes in price and BSR, and patterns that you can use to your advantage.
Finally, next to the arrow icon revealing historical data, you can also tap the heart icon to save any listing you choose to your Favorites. This will give you the opportunity to quickly access listings that you’ve found interesting or valuable for your research or listing optimization.

By using Book Bolt’s Cloud module, you can find out what the bestsellers are from a specific category and explore what makes them stand out from the rest. You can also make informed decisions knowing that you have access to real-time data from Amazon.