[KDP PUBLISHING] Should I Put the Copyright Symbol In My Book?

1 min. readlast update: 06.23.2024

This is totally up to you if you want to or not.

Once your book is published you are given some protections (date published always shows up on books you publish on KDP). this is whether you have the © symbol on your book or inside it.

Where should you put it, if you want to, again totally up to you. I usually have it, along with my pen name I use on the bottom corner of the bac cover, as well as at the bottom of page one in my book.

If you need a copyright symbol, you can click Elements on the left menu in the studio, and scroll down towards the bottom and click it. Or if you want the tex version, hold down the ALT key and then using the number keypad on your keyboard, type 0169 then let go of the ALT key, it will be appear. Or copy and paste it from below.


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