[KDP PUBLISHING] What Is the Minimum & Maximum Number of Pages You Can Use in a Book and the Royalty Amount?

2 min. readlast update: 02.22.2025

KDP has various limits to do with the minimum and maximum number of pages a book can have depending on the trim sizes and paper type.

For Paperback Books

  • The minimum for Black Ink on white or cream Paper is 24 pages.
  • The maximum for Black Ink on white paper is 828 pages except for:
    • 8.25" x 6", and 8.25" x 8.25" the maximum is 800 pages.
    • 8.5" x 8.5" & 8.5" x 11" the maximum is 590 pages.
    • 8.27" x 11.69" the maximum is 780 pages.
  • The maximum for Black Ink on Cream paper is 776 pages except for:
    • 8.25" x 6", and 8.25" x 8.25" the maximum is 750 pages.
    • 8.5" x 8.5" & 8.5" x 11" the maximum is 550 pages.
    • 8.27" x 11.69" the maximum is 730 pages.
  • For Standard color ink on white paper the minimum is 72 pages and maximum is 600.
    • Please note: Standard color is not available for the A4 paper size, 8.27" x 11.69" (21 x 29.7 cm). Article is here, at bottom of the page.
  • The minimum for premium color ink on premium white paper, is 24 pages.
  • The maximum for premium color ink on premium white paper is 828 pages except for:
    •  8.25" x 6", and 8.25" x 8.25" which is 800 pages.
    • 8.5" x 8.5", 8.5" x 11" & 8.27" x 11.69" the maximum is 590 pages.

For Hardcover Books

  • The minimum is 75 pages and the maximum is 550 pages for black ink on white paper or cream paper or premium color ink with premium paper.

The Print Options can be seen on KDP by clicking the link.

To read more about the color options then see this article on KDP Color Ink Options.

To find out what your royality will be based on your selling price, you can use this, "Printing Cost & Royalty Calculator" from KDP Dashboard Help link.

Please note: on the KDP caculator you can enter numbers past the limits specified above for page numbers on some combinations of book choices, and it will not give an error. So please go by the above and the print options page on KDP for the page limits. We will assume KDP will fix this sometime.

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