[AMAZON ADS] How Do I See How My Campaigns Are Doing?

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

First you login to your KDP Dashboard account and click on "Marketing" link at the top of the page.

Under Amazon Ads section, from the drop down menu pick Amazon.com (if you want to go to the Amazon USA ads, otherwise pick the country you want). Then click "Go To Ads Console."

At this point, I usually save this as a bookmark (favourite) so I can just directly go to the ads instead of through the KDP Dashboard.

By default this will show you all your campaigns listed on the main part of the page.

You can change the date range, to see whatever period for your ads, Today, Yesterday, Last Week, specific date range, etc.

You should click on "Columns" and click "Customize Columns" the first time in your ads and check every box except "Campaign Bidding Strategy" and "Cost Type" as these will always say the same thing. Then check everything down to ACOS. You could click further on, but most of those have to do with ebooks.

When you return in the future, it will remember your choices so you don't have to do it every time you login to Amazon Ads.

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