In September 2023, KDP added a new question that users must answer honestly (See below for more information from KDP about this).
The answer to this question would be, no.
Our developers program anything that produces the puzzle on the page. It is just an algorithm, that follows a sets of rules that we programmed and does not learn from elsewhere or make things up. The same goes for templates.
If you get words for various puzzles that you will use in one of our puzzles, or clues and answers for use with one of our puzzles from ChatGPT or other similar AI programs, then that would be AI Generated and you would have to answer yes and pick a choice from the drop down menu. Then you would also need to put in the field "Which Tool did you use..." and put ChatGPT or if from another AI generated site, that name from where you got it from. You would never enter Book Bolt in one of these fields.
If you did not use ChatGPT, MidJourney or other simualr AI programs for your actual book, but you did get your book descrition or even keywords from ChatGPT or other simular AI programs then you could answer no, to the question, as it does not ask you about your book description or keywords.
See below for more information from "Paperbook Content" part of creating a book as well as from KDP Help.

From KDP Help they write this below
Artificial intelligence (AI) content (text, images, or translations)
We require you to inform us of AI-generated content (text, images, or translations) when you publish a new book or make edits to and republish an existing book through KDP. AI-generated images include cover and interior images and artwork. You are not required to disclose AI-assisted content. We distinguish between AI-generated and AI-assisted content as follows:
- AI-generated: We define AI-generated content as text, images, or translations created by an AI-based tool. If you used an AI-based tool to create the actual content (whether text, images, or translations), it is considered "AI-generated," even if you applied substantial edits afterwards.
- AI-assisted: If you created the content yourself, and used AI-based tools to edit, refine, error-check, or otherwise improve that content (whether text or images), then it is considered "AI-assisted" and not “AI-generated.” Similarly, if you used an AI-based tool to brainstorm and generate ideas, but ultimately created the text or images yourself, this is also considered "AI-assisted" and not “AI-generated.” It is not necessary to inform us of the use of such tools or processes.
You are responsible for verifying that all AI-generated and/or AI-assisted content adheres to all content guidelines, including by complying with all applicable intellectual property rights.