Yes you can with a short work around by using the template Blank with Page Number, when you open the templates in the Studio it is the very first one.
A couple of things first:
Number 1, it will by default put the text at the bottom of your page. If you have page numbers on the page as well, and they are on the very bottom, it will just be over top of it. So you need to enter into the field "Margin Bottom" a number like .2 or .3. This will place it above the page number if you have it there.
Number 2, you could have it so it says Puzzle 1 at the top, but that would mean when you add your word search to the page, you should enter in "Margin Top" .4 or something. This is to create blank space at the top. Then with the "Blank with Page Number" template you have to enter about 10.2 in the "Margin Bottom" field. That is so it moves up 10.2" from the bottom. Make sure the measurement field is set to IN (inches).
I highly suggest you do these things on one page first! Test it and get it right. Add one word search on one page if you are going to work on Number 2. Then follow the steps below for naming your puzzles by number.
In this FAQ, everything mentioned especially numbers in Margin, assumes you are using 8 and a half by 11.
So click on that template. Pick each page you want to do this on. In the Text Template Field, remove the word "Page", be sure to leave PAGE_NUMBER.

Now enter the words Puzzle # (make sure you leave a space after #). If you just want it to say Puzzle, then do that. Pick center if you want or other options, press "Submit".

It will look like this now:

If you had entered into Margin Bottom when using the Page Number template then it will look like this at the top.

If doing a 6" x 9" book then obviously you don't want to use 10.2" like we said above. Try 8.2" in the "Bottom Margin" field instead.